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(Service & Volunteer)

The Service and Leadership Today and Tomorrow Club is a club based on helping other in our community. SALTT mainly focuses on helping impoverished children from a community called The Guatemala-Maya Center, located in Lake Worth, Florida. During the summer of Junior year, I volunteered as a camp counselor. During Senior year, I became the SALTT Executive Board Secretary. This role allowed me to help organizes events, help manage the club, and conduct educational and entertainment activities with poor migrant children.

National Portfolio Day

Spent the day at Miami Dads College for National Portfolio Day. Met with different school representatives at the various booths present and 

presented our portfolio pieces. We received valuable feed back on our pieces. 


Museum of Modern Art 

Visited the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. Gained a lot of knowledge and inspiration about different typed of art, ranging from classical to modern art. 

Get to Know Us

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Shark Tagging 

Spent a day off of the coast of Key Biscayne assisting at the Shark Reaserch
and Conservation Program Shark Tagging Trip. Participated in research that
positively impacts marine life.

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